In this project, we will
(click on the link to see a movie)
construct prototypes of a next-generation fluorescence
super-resolution microscopy platform for biomedical research and
development, offering one order of magnitude higher spatial
resolution than current state-of-the-art super-resolution
develop new single-photon detector arrays with enhanced sensitivity.
develop a pulsed, narrow-linewidth, multi-line laser for cellular
imaging based on label-free
inelastic light scattering.
integrate the developed lasers and detector arrays into the
prototypes of the super-
resolution microscopy platform, offering a broadened wavelength
range for imaging, faster
image acquisition, lower background, and allowing correlative
super-resolution fluorescence
and label-free imaging of cells.
as a lead demonstration for this platform, resolve nanometer scale
localization patterns of
specific proteins in bacteria and host cells, providing overlaid
morphological and chemical
images of the bacteria, representing key information on the
mechanisms underlying
virulence and invasiveness of the bacteria.
With the developed microscope platform and by this lead
application, we expect to take a decisive
step towards better diagnostics, effective treatments and
prevention of severe bacterial infections
causing significant morbidity and mortality world-wide. We also
expect that the ability to resolve
nano-scale localization patterns in cells, correlated to their
morphology and sub-cellular
environments, will open new means to understand, diagnose and
prevent other diseases. At the end
of the project, we will therefore offer access to one of the
developed microscope systems to
biomedical researchers outside of the project, to promote this
development and such applications.